Indian Idol is a popular television show on Indian television, a singing talent contest to determine the best undiscovered young singer in the country. It is based on the international Idol series format, launched by UK show Pop Idol. First time aired in 2004 on Sony Entertainment Television.
Indian Idol is an adaptation of the Pop Idol format. It started airing in India with the First Season in 2004-2005.5 successful seasons of Indian Idol have taken place till now and really very deserving people have won the titles.The prominent names include Abhijeet Sawant, Prashant Tamang, Sandeep Acharya, Saurabhee Debbarma and Sreeram Chandra.
The show encourages young talent of the country and has a panel of very respected jury members who are from the Indian Music Industry or Film Industry who have worked with some prominent singers of the country.